Below is a list of questions that can help you do a self assessment. For each question, put a plus (+) next to one or more items that you're most confident about, and a a minus (-) next to one or more items that you're most concerned about.
- We have a clear workplan with roles, responsibilities, and timeframes.
- The workplan is realistic about what needs to be done, how long it takes to do it, etc.
- The people who are assigned leading roles have the authority and skill to carry them out.
- We've devoted adequate resources (staff time, money, space, computers, etc.) to the project.
- When tough decisions are needed to carry the project forward, we can get those decisions made promptly and clearly.
- The people on the project team know what the project is, why we (and the client) are doing it, and what their role is.
- The people on the project team will have the skills, knowledge and availability to complete their tasks by the time they're expected to start on the project.
- There's enough commitment to the project - people who are critical to implementation will spend enough time and energy to make sure it gets done.
- There's enough commitment to the project (on the client side) - people who are critical to implementation will spend enough time and energy to make sure it gets done.
- We've identified the indicators we'll use to determine whether the project is producing the desired results.
- We've identified the indicators we'll use to determine whether the project is producing the desired results for the organization.
- The systems needed to produce this data (for 10 and 11) will be in place when needed.
- We have mechanisms for holding people accountable for their performance on the project team.